
Posts Tagged ‘sheikh rabee’

“Our final sitting with Shaikh Rabee” Premier Hajj 2011 @premierhajj #islam #sunnah #muhammed

November 17, 2011 1 comment

Our final sitting with Shaikh Rabee’ – Premier Hajj 2011

Last night saw our final sitting in Makka with Shaikh Rabee’ ibnu Haadee Al Madkhali – Hafidhahullah before our departure to Madina.

Once again the sitting was a beautiful one! We had a private sitting with the Shaikh after Salaatul Ishaa. We met the Shaikh in his masjid then returned back to his home.

After drinking tea with him in the library of the Shaikh, and speaking about the affairs of the da’wah in The Uk and in Europe generally, the shaikh asked our brother Abu Hakeem concerning Muhammad in the present day Bible. We then proceeded upstairs to the private study of the shaikh, where the issue was discussed in more detail with a discussion of certain references.

The shaikh also asked about the books that are being taught in the Uk.

The Shaikh then proceeded to research an issue related to the science of Hadeeth that he was looking into before we came. He told our brother Abu Hakeem to read and translate to the brothers so he read to us from Al Ibaanatus Sughraa of Ibn Battah and the shaikh would break from his research to comment on the speech of Ibn Battah – Rahimahullah. Considering the fact that the shaikh is in his mid 80’s he was researching and reading without glasses and listening to the passage being read and commenting at the same time!

We then proceeded to an adjacent room where the shaikh had dinner served for the brothers to our surprise. The Shaikh himself had a humble meal of foul bean paste (resembling hommous) with olive oil, which he ate with bread, cheese, olives and water.

At the end of the night he bid the brothers farewell and conveyed his salaam to Ahlus sunnah in the UK.

The evening made us reflect upon the Imaams of the Salaf and how they used to be, we ask Allah to bless and preserve our Shaikh and bless the Ummah to continue to benefit from his advice, his writings his exhortations, his character and his stances.

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